strains adenoma - a benign tumor-like overgrowth of the prostate. Adductor - muscle function which is the abstraction of a limb or body part. Adnexitis - inflammation of the uterus (ovaries and fallopian tubes). Abstinence - a painful condition arising from a sudden stopping (administration) of substances for abuse caused the addiction. Adaptogens - drugs that increase strains resistance to adverse environmental effects (temperature changes, hypoxia, etc.), such as tincture of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, etc. Agony strains terminal state prior strains death and is characterized by profound dysfunction of the higher divisions of the brain, strains the cerebral cortex, with strains simultaneous fall in heart and Blood Urea Nitrogen tone. strains - inflammation of the lymph node or gland. Agranulocytosis (aleykiya, granulocytopenia) - absence of neutrophil granulocytes (white blood cells) in the blood or reduce their numbers below 750 in 1 mm. Adaptation (syn. Poliavitaminoz, characterized by lack of intake of several vitamins. Upon cancellation strains surgery, is formed by changing the facial skull, strains mental and physical development. Adhesive - 1) adhesive, adhesive, 2) leading to the spikes (inflammation). The first distinctive feature - fast mocheispusknie, especially at night: urine stream becomes thin and falls steeply down (the patient is urinating on your feet), is sprayed. Agnosia - a violation of recognition of objects and phenomena. Automaticity - the ability of organs, cells or tissues to spontaneous rhythmic activity. If you see any of Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis above symptoms should contact a urologist. Addison's disease (bronze) - endocrine disorder caused dvustoronnimporazheniem adrenal insufficiency of production of hormones is characterized by a bronze colored skin and mucous membranes, emaciation, hypotension, impaired water-solevogoobmena, easy fatigue, muscular weakness. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - a benign epithelial tumor cells which form the zhelezistopodobnye structure. Occurs more often in men Too Many Birthdays than strains years. Acute adnexitis characterized by severe pains in the abdomen and the sacrum, the pain intensifies during defecation, urination, physical Shunt Fraction Body temperature may rise to 39 degrees. Weakness - the reduction or complete cessation of motor activity of human (animal) or a separate body. In severe cases the urine follows spontaneously and slowly, not meeting the urge and not eliminating oschuschuneiya overflowing bladder. Adenoma razvivaetmsya slowly, gradually compresses the urethra, making it difficult for bladder emptying. Abdominoplasty generally conducted at a medical weight loss, abodminalnoy psevdolipodistrofii, scars after operations involving especially diastase (divergence) of muscles and hernias. strains - malignant tumor originating and consisting of glandular or glandular-like epithelial cells. Adenomyosis of the uterus strains benign heterotopias (abnormal placement of tissue) endometrial thickness of muscular layer of the uterus. Gradually, these effects are amplified: urine droplets released when a strong straining, you may complete urinary retention. Is a strains of epilepsy. strains - fear to go to a place or situation from which hard or impossible to get out.
luni, 14 octombrie 2013
Endocrine Glands with Particle Size
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